
  • Are our internet relationships really real?

    I wonder what he smells like after he shaves, whether or not his aftershave is musky or more soapy. Does he lightly touch my arm when I make him laugh? What sort of underwear does he wear? How do his arms feel around my shoulders as we both toss our heads back...

    • Apr 9, 2014
  • Mumia supporters liken his imprisonment to Mandela’s

    Temple student Walter Smolarek remembers feeling energized when he heard Mumia Abu-Jamal’s voice directed at him. “People, especially young people, can and must build movements that can force politicians to address issues of social justice,” Abu-Jamal, a radical who was convicted of the 1982 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, said...

    • Dec 10, 2013

    Most of your friends who moved to Boulder to “just live for a little while” probably found it redundant when Colorado legalized recreational marijuana last month in a statewide ballot referendum. But they did. And so did Washington state. Which means, who knows, marijuana legalization could come here soon, too, right? Tradition would say...

    • Dec 5, 2012
  • Another Push to Purge PA Voters From the Rolls

    A second voter-ID hearing is set to begin in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Sept. 13. But what’s been less talked about in-state is the push for a ‘voter purge’ in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. The purge talk began when newly elected Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) decided in February 2011 that it...

    • Sep 12, 2012
  • Fact Attack: A New App Watches Political Ads Like a Hawk

      As an ad slamming President Obama’s tax policies prompts a YouTube video, local software developer Bob Lannon takes out his iPhone. He opens up an app, holds it to the speaker and puts his thumb to a big button in the middle of the screen. Within 25 seconds, the app returns...

    • Sep 5, 2012
  • Catholic Church Fights to Kill PA’s Statute of Limitation Reform

    As 78-year-old state Rep. Louise Williams Bishop (D-Philadelphia) began to speak to a crowd gathered in the rotunda of the capitol in Harrisburg at a public meeting in November, her voice wavered and shook, belying her decades of experience in public speaking as a polished politician, Baptist minister and radio DJ. Shaky,...

    • Feb 8, 2012
  • Why Does PA Care About Banishing Sharia Law?

    What you don’t know can most likely kill you. That’s at least the thought process behind a new bill that’ll be considered in the Legislature when it reconvenes next year. Rep. RoseMarie Swanger of Lebanon County has introduced House Bill 2029, which would amend Title 42 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, prohibiting...

    • Dec 21, 2011
  • Medical Marijuana in New Jersey: ‘This Law Was Designed to Fail’

    Rues Road—which winds through an idyllic and remote area of Upper Freehold Township, New Jersey, past lush farm fields and the occasional McMansion set back on a sprawling parcel of land—doesn’t look much like a battlefield. But it’s become ground zero in the fight over the state’s Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act,...

    • Dec 12, 2011
  • Is Occupy Philly a Man’s World? Sounds like it.

    A lot has happened in the world of Occupy Philly since the alleged sexual assault last Saturday night. With a push from the city, protesters have been mobile. Some Occupiers plan to move to another location while others intend to stay at Dilworth Plaza until what will certainly be a bitter end....

    • Nov 18, 2011

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